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AAA 2025 Tryouts

Virtual Tryouts

Virtual Tryouts link

In-person tryouts are done.  Virtual Tryouts are now being accepted for the remaining spots on our teams.  Please click on the "Virtual Tryout" link above and complete the information.  We will respond to you within 3 days.

Tryout Process

We have finished our in-person tryouts.  Please go to the Virtual Tryout section above.

  • Attend a tryout. (Sooner the better!)
  • Once you have tried out, you will be notified within 7 days whether you have made the team or not.  (If you do not receive an email within 7 days, please contact us!) 
  • If you have made the team,  you will be sent a registration link in an email. 

If you have any questions about teams, tryouts, or process, please reach out to John Haglund via email, cell or text.   
--Cell:  (612)267-0367

2025 AAA Snapshot

Boys 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016/17
Girls U12
Skater: $1195
Goalie:  $675

Includes Jersey, Team hoodie,  40+  hours of ice time

-Practices start in late March

-2 or 3 Practices/Scrimmage per week
-3v3 or 5v5 games

-1st Tournament, TBA
-2nd Tournament, TBA

-2 or 3 Practices/3v3 or 5v5 games

-Practices start in late July or early Aug.
-2 or 3 Practices/Scrimmages per week
-3v3 and 5v5 games

-3rd Tournament, TBA

*Specific dates and times will be updated on the team calendar.