7:45 am - Check-in, Get Dressed
8:00 am - On Ice Instruction
9:15 am - Change
9:30 am - Classroom
10:30 am - Dryland Testing / Team Building
11:15 am - Lunch
11:45 am - Get Dressed
12:15 pm On Ice Instruction
1:30 pm - Change
1:45 pm - Videotape Analysis / Movie
2:30 pm - Stickhandling / Circuit
3:15 pm - Get Dressed
3:30 pm - Instructional Game
4:30 pm - Day Students Depart
Please note: This is one of two daily schedules
Our Professional Staff are aware of parent's concerns, such as supervision. Your child's safety is of the utmost importance from the moment players arrive until the moment they leave. Daily instruction and activities will be chaperoned by our instructors with assistance by counselors.